Defense Yourself
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Defense Yourself
These days our thoughts are with the people around the world during this difficult period for everyone.
And for this reason we are offering the "Oregano Liquid Fire-92% carvacrol" essential oil with 50% reduction in price along with Greek Lemon Essential Oil, as all of us here at Vessel we use it at the moment - sweetened with our delightful Greek lemon - to protect ourselves from respiratory infections!
新型冠狀病毒沸沸揚揚,病情嚴峻,讓許多人都感覺恐慌。我們跟中國人民在一起。 我們提供價格降低50%的“牛至(奧勒岡精油)現代科學研究發現香芹酚經過測試證明會破壞病毒結構或強化免疫系統,減少病毒對人體的持續破壞。而我們的“牛至精油火中含高達92%香芹酚”能有效增強免疫系統。
Vessel 推薦希臘純精油:希臘檸檬,建議使用個人口鼻呼呼器,透過愉悅來自希臘檸檬的香氛,保護自己免受呼吸道感染。
And for this reason we are offering the "Oregano Liquid Fire-92% carvacrol" essential oil with 50% reduction in price along with Greek Lemon Essential Oil, as all of us here at Vessel we use it at the moment - sweetened with our delightful Greek lemon - to protect ourselves from respiratory infections!
新型冠狀病毒沸沸揚揚,病情嚴峻,讓許多人都感覺恐慌。我們跟中國人民在一起。 我們提供價格降低50%的“牛至(奧勒岡精油)現代科學研究發現香芹酚經過測試證明會破壞病毒結構或強化免疫系統,減少病毒對人體的持續破壞。而我們的“牛至精油火中含高達92%香芹酚”能有效增強免疫系統。
Vessel 推薦希臘純精油:希臘檸檬,建議使用個人口鼻呼呼器,透過愉悅來自希臘檸檬的香氛,保護自己免受呼吸道感染。
This offer includes: