Greek Roman Chamomile Organic Essential Oil
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Greek Roman Chamomile Organic Essential Oil
Batch: E1001474
Common name: Roman chamomile
Other names: English chamomile, garden chamomile, sweet chamomile, true chamomile, ground apple, lawn chamomile, mother's daisy or whig plant and others
Latin name: Chamaemelum nobile, syn. Anthemis nobilis,
Botanical family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Method of extraction: distillation
Plant part used to extract the oil: flowering tops
Cultivation method: organic farming
Area of origin: Central Macedonia, Greece
Historical notes:
The word chamomile and the genus name Chamaemelum derive from the Greek “chamaimēlon”(χαμαίμηλον) meaning "earth-apple",from “chamai”(χαμαί) meaning "on the ground" and “melon”(μήλον) for "apple", so-called because of the apple-like scent of the plant. (BTW, the synonym name – “anthemis”- also derives from Greek word “anthos” meaning flower.)
The plant obtained the name "nobile" (Latin for“noble”) because of its reputation for therapeutic properties, which were believed to be superior to those of the German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.).
Roman chamomile is native to West Europe and Northern Africa and has been used and used herbal applications for centuries. It was certainly well known to the ancient Egyptians. Famous Greeks such as Hippocrates (4th century BC) or later, Dioscorides – physician, pharmacologist, botanist, and author of “De materia medica” of the 1st century AD – mentionprescribing the plant for a variety of ailments. Romans also used chamomile to treat digestive and rheumatic issues and Culpepper appreciated its calming properties. In fact such was the popularity of the herb that it ended up being mentioned in a Shakespearean play!
Biochemical group: ester
Main chemical constituents:
isobutyl angelate + Isoamylmetacrylate, isoamyl angelate, methylally angelate, trans-pinocarveol, 2--methylbutyl angelate, pinocarvone, isobutyl isobutyrate, isoamyl isobutyrate, isobutyl methacrylate, alpha-pinene, 2-methylbutyl methacrylate, myrtenal, others
Colour: pale yellow
Consistency: thin
Aroma strength: strong
Perfumery note: middle
Aroma: herbaceous, sweet,fruity, warm, with a hint of apple
Traditional Aromatherapy Uses:
Traditionally in aromatherapy treatments Roman chamomile is associated with the following therapeutic properties:
analgesic, anti-anxiety, anti-arthritic, anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, bactericidal, calming, carminative, cholagogue, CNS tonic, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hepatic, sedative, stomachic, vulnerary
Qualified aromatherapists may use Roman chamomile essential oil for common complaints such as:
- digestive issues including indigestion and colic
- nervous system and emotional issues such as stress and anxiety, stress-related migraines, headaches, insomnia and depression; can be used with unsettled, frustrated children to sooth, relax and help sleep.
- reproductive system problems related to PMS, amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea
- respiratory first aid including asthma attacks
- skin care applicationsfor irritated, red, dry and sensitive skin
- others
How we use it:
Inhalation / Vapourisation:
- Vapourise a couple of drops or use in an aroma inhaler for stress and stress-related issues such as anxiety, nervous tension, stress-relates issues.Try blended with lavender, geranium, frankincense, sweet orange or bergamot
- Vapourising a couple of drops might also help with insomnia. Try in combination with a drop of lavender and sweet marjoram.
Skin applications:
- For PMS related symptoms and dysmenorrhoea – blend with clary sage, lavender or sweet marjoram. Dilute well and gently massage the abdomen and lower back.
- For digestive issues - try with coriander seed, black pepper, sweet orange, sweet marjoram or sweet fennel. Dilute well in a suitable medium and gently apply to the abdomen.
Please, also see our How to Use Essential Oils Safely page for more information
Safety considerations:
Tisserand and Young do not indicate any contraindications when using roman chamomile Essential Oil.
Reading Tisserand and Young's full profile is recommended. [Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, 'Essential Oil Safety' (Second Edition. United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014), 244.]
Please, also see our How to Use Essential Oils Safely page for more information.
Research and studies:
- Evidence Supports Tradition: The in Vitro Effects of Roman Chamomile on Smooth Muscles
- German and Roman Chamomile
- Study on Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile L. All.) Oil