Greek Helichrysum Organic Essential Oil - Balkan type
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Greek Helichrysum Essential Oil - Balkan type
Batch: E1001198
Other common names: French synonym Immortelle (meaning everlasting), everlasting, curry plant, St John's herb
Botanical name: Helichrysum italicum
Botanical family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Method of extraction: Steam distillation
Plant part used to extract the oil: flowering tops
Cultivation method: organic
Area of origin:
We are very proud to be the first to cultivate Helichrysum in Greece!
Our hylichrysum is grown organically in the mountains nearVavdos, a beautiful village with the highest altitude in Chalkidiki (923m above the sea level), in Northern Greece. Our oil, distilled at out organically certified distillery, comes from the field where the plants enjoy more than 11 hours of direct sunshine per day in summer! Helichrysum loves sun and we are being rewarded for selecting this perfect location with truly beautiful essential oil.
Historical notes:
Legends say that Helichrysum is the Son of the Sun in the earth and this is the reason why plant loves so much Sun. The name comes from Greek Helisso- “ελίσσω” that means to turn around and –chryso, “χρυσό” that means gold. Belongs to the plant family Asteraceae, sp.Helichrysum italicum.
Our Greek Helichrysum Essential Oil is distilled with organic distillation from plants grown on organic farms of Vavdos, Chalkidiki, located at the northern part of Greece. The village has 1000m height and is next to the sea.
We are proud to be first in cultivating Immortelle in Greece and getting the first quantities of one of the best essential oils in aromatherapy.
Our essential oil comes from the field where plants get sun more than 11hours per day during summer. You can only imagine what a great impact sun has on the oil!
Don’t miss the chance to try it!
Biochemical group: Monoterpene
Main chemical compounds: α-pinene, gamma-curcumene, beta-selinene, beta-caryophyllene, italidione I, neryl acetate, alpha-selinene, italicene, alpha-curcumene, italidione II, limonene, alpha-copaene, italidiones III, others (Our essential oil contains ~10% italidiones)
Colour: clear
Consistency: thin
Aroma strength: middle-strong
Perfumery note: middle
Aroma: slightly astringent, earthy, fresh, herbaceous, warm, medicinal
Traditional aromatherapy uses:
- Traditionally in aromatherapy treatments helichrysum essential oil is associated with the following therapeutic properties: analgesic, anti-allergenic, anti-anxiety, anti-heamatoma, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, calming, cholagogue, cicatrisant, expectorant, hepatic, mucolytic,nervine, strengthening, CNS tonic, wound healing
- Qualified aromatherapists may use helichrysum essential oil for common complaints such as:
- skin conditions: bruises, scars, wound healing, skin repair, eczema, dermatitis
- respiratory conditions: chronic respiratory infections, bronchitis, sinus infections, whooping cough
- skeletomuscular problems: muscular aches and pains, arthritis, rheumatism, tendonitis, bursitis
- digestive system:to stimulate/support the liver and gall bladder
- nervous system: soothing, grounding, calming/sedative
- emotionaluses: depression, anxiety, when emotionally exhausted and debilitated
- others: headaches, especially these related to liver overload
- How we use it:
Please, also see our How to Use Essential Oils Safely page for more information.
- For an aftershave face/neck cream - add together with our Black Pine and/or Organic lavender essential oil to an unscented light cream or lotion
- For a face cream - add together with our Sea Fennel and/or Organic lavender essential oil to an unscented face cream
- For respiratory infections: inhaleon its own or blended depending on the condition, we like it blended with some Lavandin and Lemon essential oils.
- For bruises: we keep a small bottle of Helichrysum diluted in jojoba oil in our First Aid kit and use it on bruises old and new (10 drops of Helichrysum in a teaspoonful of jojoba oil)
- For a sinus infection or a headache – simply apply a drop of Helichrysum essential oil to a tissue and inhale; try with a drop of our Peppermint essential oil
Safety considerations:
Tisserand and Young do not indicate any special precautions when using Helichrysum Essential Oil. Reading Tisserand and Young's full profile is recommended. [Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, Essential Oil Safety (Second Edition.United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014), 309.]
Please, also see our How to Use Essential Oils Safely page for more information.
Research and studies:
- Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Helichrysum italicum.
- Chemical composition, plant genetic differences, and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum G. Don ssp. microphyllum (Willd) Nym.
- Composition of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don fil. subsp. italicum essential oils from Corsica (France)