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Greek White Fir Organic Essential Oil
Batch: WF2023001B
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Common name: Fir needle, white fir, white spruce, silver spruce, Templin, European silver fir
Latin name: Abies alba
Botanical family: Pinaceae
Method of extraction: distilled at our organically certified distillery
Plant part used to extract the oil: twigs and needles
Cultivation method: Organic Cultivation
Area of origin: Northern Greece
Historical notes:
The name of the genus ‘Abies’ comes from the Proto-Italian word ‘abiets’, which in turn originates from Ancient Greek ‘ἄβιν’. The word ‘ἄβιν’ means ‘silver fir’ or generally any similar coniferous tree.
Biochemical group: monoterpenes
Main chemical constituents: limonene, camphene, alpha-pinene, santene, others
Colour: none
Consistency: thin
Aroma strength: middle
Perfumery note:top
Aroma: freshconifer, green,piney,‘Christmassy’, woody
Traditional Aromatherapy Uses:
Traditionally in aromatherapy treatments Silver fir is associated with the following therapeutic properties: analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-rheumatic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-stress,anti-tumour, anti-viral, decongestant, deodorant,expectorant, immune support, insect repellent (mosquitoes!), mucolytic, rubefacient, strengthening, tonic
The German Commission E recommends silver fir essential oil for conditions with catarrh (upper and lower respiratory tract) as well as for the treatment (externally) of rheumatic and neuralgic pains.
Qualified aromatherapists may use Silver fir essential oil for common complaints such as:
nervous tension and stress related condition: depression, anxiety, mental exhaustion, adrenal fatigue
respiratory issues – catarrh (upper and lower respiratory tract), sinus congestion, colds, flu, phlegm congestion in the lungs (contraindicated for whooping cough and bronchial asthma)
muscular aches and pains from rheumaticand arthritic conditions
- others
- How we use it:
- Inhalation / Vapourisation:
- Vaporise for anxiety and stressor metal exhaustion – try blended with Lavender or Lemon
- Vaporise or inhale (e.g. a couple of drops on a tissue) for catarrh or congested sinuses – try blending with our Aniseed (lease check for contraindications) or Black Pine
- Vaporised repel mosquitoes or for that Christmassy feel!
-For anxiety and stress- dilute in a fixed oil (carrier oil) and put in a small roll-on bottle. Try with our Organic Lavender
- Formuscular pain - dilute in a fixed oil (carrier oil) and massage the affected area. Blend with our Lavender Hybrid (Lavandin)
Please, also see our How to Use Essential Oils Safely page for more information
Safety considerations:
Tisserand and Young do not indicate any special precautions when using Silver Fir Essential Oil, however, it is prone to oxidation. Always avoid oxidised oil and ensure you are using fresh oil to avoid skin sensitisation. Reading Tisserand and Young's full profile is recommended [Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, 'Essential Oil Safety' (Second Edition. United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014), 285.]
Please, also see our How to Use Essential Oils Safely page for more information.
Research and studies:
- Radical scavenging activity of silver Fir essential oil
Margaret Pawlaczyk-Karlinski MSc. (Hons.), Cert. Ed., M.I.F.A., NHS reg.